Sewer – Modeling

3d Sewer Progress 11-5

My next project is The Sewer. The modeling for this project is mostly finished. There are a few things I want to tweak before finalizing it, but it’s mostly finished. I want to spend a little more time on the water and particle effects. I want to try to get running running throughout the main pipes as well as dripping water from the ceiling. Texturing should be easy and fast, so I’ll have more time to work on the special effects.   Here is a…

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Boiler Room – Texture Complete

3d Boiler Room Progress 10-2

I’ve been working very diligently and haven’t procrastinated at all but this boiler room is taking longer than expected. I made textures by deadline but boy did I put a lot of time and work into it. I’m very proud of what I have accomplished so far and extremely excited to see how the final render will look.   Here is a render of where my progress stands:

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Boiler Room – Modeling Progress #2

3d Boiler Room Progress 9-19

Here is another update now that the modeling is mostly finished. All that’s left to model is just the room itself and that shouldn’t take too long. All thats really involved is just a door and a few vents. I have already started to UV but didn’t include it in this update because it’s just started. Next update will include renders of the texturing.   Here is a render of where my progress stands:

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Boiler Room – Modeling Progress #1

3d Boiler Room Progress 9/13

Now that a week has passed, here is my current work in progress. The main modeling is finished. I’m slightly ahead of schedule and I intend to keep it that way. All that’s left is the fine detail modeling, but I’m going to start UV-ing before I do that.   Here is a render of where my progress stands:

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