Semester Reflection

This semester I learned many new concepts. I learned how to use Mudbox more effectively to sculpt my custom textures maps. I also refined how fluid dynamics look for different types of bodies of water. I learned how to create rain particles and different types of fields. Now that the semester is over, I’m going to spend time going over more tutorials learning how to use particles to create all sorts of VFX.
Mountain Castle Finished
Mountain Castle – Almost Final Render

This week has been just a bunch of final touches to the scene. There are still a few things that need to be cleaned up but this is my first final render. What I did for the scene this week was setup the camera path guide for my animated render. I also created and organized the render layers so I can easily composite my scene. I color corrected the fog and fixed other small tweaks.
Mountain Castle – Final Tweaks 2
Mountain Castle – Final Tweaks

I retextured the castle and finished all the small objects in the scene including the bridge and door frame. I also did many experiments to see how I’m going to composite this with the many different layers. Once the clouds move at the right speed and the fog looks just right, I’ll start rendering a trailer with composed music to fit the mood of the scene.