Mountain Castle – Update #2

Boy was this a busy week. I got really far on the fine detail in Mudbox until I realized I was getting distortion due to an imperfect base model. I had two options, start over or re-topologize & transfer the detail. I didn’t want to start over again, so I re-topologized my original base model. While transferring the detail, I kept encountering ‘skin tags’, or distortion errors. A few ‘skin tags’ are fine because I can just snip them off, but if there are too many, I’m losing too much detail. After many trials and errors, I was able to transfer the detail with minimal errors. Everything is good and I’m still ahead of schedule.
Castle on Top of a Mountain
Castle on Top of a Mountain
- 2/28 – Mudbox
- 3/7 – UVing & Texturing
- 3/14 – Lighting & Rendering
- 4/4 – Due
5 Minutes to Midnight
- 4/9 – Start
- 4/16 – Modeling – Maya
- 5/2 – Mudbox
- 5/9 – UVing & Texturing
- 5/16 – Lighting & Rendering
- 5/20 – Due