Instrumental: Borderline Evil

A new Hip-Hop Instrumental track has just been released by JeFF ZaBorski, called: Borderline Evil
This track was designed to have a sedimental feeling to it. The chord progression makes the listener start off with a happy feeling; then discomfort, which is suppose to resemble a hardship; followed by release, full of easy-going and content.
Chord Progression
Borderline Evil
Key: D
I – V – vi9 – vi(-5) – V
D – A – bm9 – bm(-5) – A
How to Play It:
Learn the 9th Chord from my Music Theory Blog.
Start off with D Major for 4 & 3/4 beats. Then quickly play A Major for a 1/4 beat. Then b Minor 9th Chord for 4 beats. Then play b Minor without playing the 5th for 3/4 beats. Then A Major for 1/4 beat.
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