Music Theory – Piano Chords #1


Now that we understand progressions and how they move based off the chart, we can build chords instead of single notes at each position. A chord is a combination of notes that harmonize together. When notes are played in certain combinations, they create more complex wavelengths. The interesting part about this, is that certain chords have the same wavelength of specific emotional vocal patterns. And when people display emotions, people subconsciously pick up on them and feel them. That’s just human psychology. If I were…

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Music Theory Blog Intro


I love playing music on a variety of instruments and teaching my friends subtle patterns in music theory that I notice.  That’s when I realized why not start a blog teaching everything I know about Music Chord Theory.  I’m constantly learning new things each day as I explore the chords and how they interact with each other; so new information will constantly be flowing.  Before I start, let me use this entry to explain my musical background.   I’ve been playing instruments since I was…

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